The grandiose plan of Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to make Hyderabad a world class city is a welcome move. At a time when there are many apprehensions over the fate of this over 421-year old historic city in the wake of bifurcation of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, KCR has made it clear that his government would give top priority to enhance the image of the metro city.
It’s equally heartening to note the initiative taken by IT and Panchayat Raj Minister K T Rama Rao to preserve and promote the Brand Hyderabad in the days to come. KTR has even initiated steps attract investments to Hyderabad, which has attained cosmopolitan look over years. Against this backdrop, I would like to make some suggestions that would contribute to the goal of enhancing the brand image of Hyderabad and making it a global destination. The new TRS government should allot 100 acres to each of the 28 States in the country. This land should be made available to them at one place on the city outskirts, so that the entire enclave can be identified as a national hub.
Like different Bhavans allotted to various States in New Delhi, this national hub in Hyderabad too should become center of activity of different States. In the given land, these States should be encouraged to set up their cultural, educational, economic and social institutions. For example, those who want to invest in Himachal Pradesh can visit the State enclave in Hyderabad and obtain details. Anyone interested in authentic Gujarati food or culture can visit to its State pavilion. In a way, each enclave should be one stop-shop for all the needs of a visitor.
Similarly, a select 50 countries including the developed nations like the US, the UK, Australia, Germany, China and Japan to developing nations like Brazil, Argentina, besides fast growing economies like Singapore and South Korea can be offered land of 100 acres each around Hyderabad, so that they too can set up their enclaves. These countries can showcase their tourism, economy, industry, technology, education, and culture including food and fine arts in these enclaves. Those who want to know about these countries can visit these centers and gain first-hand information.
The whole concept may require allotment of a few thousand acres of land, which can be given on free of cost or a nominal lease to these States and countries. The enclaves to be developed on this land would definitely make Hyderabad a global hub. The city will also attract visitors from entire South India and other States who want to have a taste of global experience.
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